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    Partie 5 Juillet


    Messages : 1410
    Date d'inscription : 15/02/2010
    Age : 52
    Localisation : Montreal

    Partie 5 Juillet Empty Partie 5 Juillet

    Message  Beaker Ven 2 Juil - 17:50

    J'espère que c'est pas trôp dernier minute mais je vais jouer un deuxième partie spéciale le 5 Juillet chez nous (proche de Metro Mont Royal). C'est un scénario qui est tellement fou mais sûrement divertant. Si ça t'interesse, pm moi.

    C'est moi et un autre confirmé donc ont juste a besoins d'un autre (un joueur SM).

    Voici les détails (je m'excuse pour l'anglais mais j'ai pas le temps pour traduire. J'ai réduit le longueur ou possible et je peut réponds à tes questions).

    Tenuous Alliance

    Requires 3 players

    1) Player A: Nurgle 3000 pts
    2) Player B: any force 2250 pts
    3) Player C: any force 2250 pts

    Warp Gate is in one corner of tabletop, thus Player A must deploy within 24" radius 1/4 moon of said corner.

    Player B + C can deploy along whichever table edge does not touch the 1/4 moon deployment area of Player A.


    Having obtained information that a gateway into the warp has opened on the desolate Planet X, two forces descend upon the location intent on exploiting/destroying the dark powers sure to pour forth. Upon arrival the hideous sight of Chester (my warhound) overwhelms the commanders of both forces and they are forced into a tenuous alliance with the aim of stopping the forces of Nurgle spewing from the warp.

    Nurgle has seen to it though that this will not be a conventional rumble but will be imbued with the full insanity of Chaos. Every force has succumbed in one way or another to the mad whispers from the warp.


    1) Nurgle's rot is in the soil. Any model that dies during the game explodes on a roll of a 6 on a d6 (including nurgle aligned models - no one is immune). All models within a 6" radius take a S3 ap- hit, friend or foe. Vehicles are unaffected. If for some reason the model explodes inside a bunker/vehicle/etc. all accompanying models in the unit suffer a S5 ap3 hit, the vehicle/bunker suffers a full penetrating hit and there is no radius damage.

    2) The warhound is under the control of Typhus. Should Typhus die, the warhound will go berzerk firing each shooting phase all functioning weapons x2 each at the closest target friend or foe. All psychers friend or foe within 12" of the warhound at the beginning of their turn can attempt to take control of the warhound. On a 3+ the psycher succeeds and can move and control the warhound as if it were his/her own. On a 1-2d6 the daemon instead inflicts 1 wound on the psycher. Should this new psycher controller die, the warhound will go berzerk again as before.

    3) Player 2 &3 are allies on the first turn. This alliance dissolves on a 4+ in T2, 3+ in T3, 2+ in T4, and automatically in T5. As long as these players are allies they cannot attack each other although for all other purposes they are independent armies.

    4) Due to their corruption under the will of Nurgle, all commanders of every force will become convinced in turn 5 that they must control the Icon of X and will bend all resources (any remaining units) towards this end, moving towards this objective, firing all weapons at enemy units within range of the objective. This will be an objective designated by all players somewhere in the middle of the table. Once each player has completed their turn in turn 5, another virus activates and all models within 24" of this objective take a destroyer hit on a roll of 4+. Vehicles simply stop functioning if they fail their roll as the crew succumbs to the virus. If the game continues into more turns, this virus will continue to take effect at the end of each turn in the same manner.

    5) This is an annihilation game in reverse. You get 1 point for each surviving unit.

      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 21 Sep - 2:42