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Varro Vardo - Rogue Trader

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Varro Vardo - Rogue Trader Empty Varro Vardo - Rogue Trader

Message  MARC C Mer 16 Fév - 8:18

Varro Vardo - Rogue Trader

Location: Imperial Navy Cruiser ‘Lasting Deliverance’ en route to the Batiatus Sector

Year: 986.M41

It was unfair. This was all he could think of as he sat on the bed in the small room that had been his quarters for the last weeks. Varro Vardo had spent the better part of his young life in privilege. Sating his thirst with the best thrones could buy in entertainments, drugs, sports and women. Upon his 21st birthday, he had joined the Imperial Guard, to impress his friend and family. Maccrage was a rock. There was no risk he was told. He would never see activity duty and simply get to walk around in a uniform, giving himself bragging rights over the other noble’s sons and that twice damned cousin with his third eye. Sergeant Varro Vardo… it had a ring to it.

But it was foolish to think so, for in the 41st millennium, there is only war. Crixus Prime, in the Batiatus Sector, had come under attack by Chaos Forces. The force had gathered with a swiftness only known to Ultramar, and before his father could even utter protest on his behalf, Varro and million others had been sent to fight and die under a distant star.

Varro wept that night, as he had wept every night before. For tomorrow was the day the Lasting Deliverance entered the Batiatus Sector. He missed his spatious room… he missed his family and his decadence… he even missed that damn cousin of his.


Location: 100 miles northwest of Licinia, capital of Crixus Prime.

Year: 986.M41 The Battle of Steep Hills

With a roar like a thousand thunders, the artillery strike landed. Where once stood 5 men and Corporal Lanisto, now only a smoking crater remained. Rain of sand, rocks, shrapnel and blood showered those nearby, a burning hot piece of flak armor gouging at Varro’s face.
His hand reached his torn up cheek, his right eyes blinded by his own blood. All around him man screamed, died and fought. This was hell. He should have been screaming. He should have been running. Instead, as warm blood trickled down his face to his lips, he found himself smiling. An uncontrolled laughter escaped his lips. Amongs the chaos of battle, his men turned and gaze upon him, the laughter contagious. Varro had never felt more alive.

“Alright lads. Let’s give them the what for…” he whirled his power sword in the air, pointing toward the encamped artillery of the chaos traitors across the hills, “CHAAARGE!”


Location: Great of Hall of Licinia, capital of Crixus Prime.

Year: 990.M41

After 4 years of war, the wine felt alien to his lips. Crixus Prime had been delivered from the Chaos Renegades plaguing it and this was the banquet celebrating the victory. Inside the hall, the nobles and officers mingled, drank, exchanged stories and socialized. Outside the walls however, the city of Licinia was spectator to much more boisterous celebrating has the man of the Imperial Guard and the PDF celebrated their victory and their lives.

Varro longed to be with his men. As he exchanged pleasantries with nobles and politician, he felt ill at ease. The roar of battle, the drums of war, achingly missed. His eyes drifted to one of the room’s many mirrors and he saw himself. Where had once had perfect features which had granted him many favors among the ladies of Maccrage … a deep scar ran from the right corner of his lip to his right temple… making him look as if he was always grinning. He stood proud, a feet taller that he once had it seemed, his eyes hard as steel. On his chest, the newly acquired medals of the Batiatus campaign, and on his shoulder, the newly acquired Iron Skull and Cross, the sign of his rank now has Lieutenant.
He had once heard that ‘Fire Forges Iron, Disciplines Forges the Soul and War Forges Men’. He had laughed at the notion. Now, he understood it. His mind had been made up months ago – even upon returning on Maccrage, he would remain with the Guard. This was his place, his destiny… and through military victory, he would bring the name Vardo to glory once undreamed.


Location: Vardo’s Family Estate, Maccrage

Year: 993.M41

Fragment of memories taunted him. Blood on his hands. The scream of the fallen. The sting of betrayal. Varro drank deeply from the bottle of Alerian wine, the finest the estate of Vardo could provide, and willed himself to think of something else, focusing back on the family dinner. Across him at the table, his cousin smiled at him… or smiled at whatever his drug addled brain made him see. Tomorrow they would begin their new life… he has a Rogue Trader – a great honor to the Vardo family – and his cousin as their Navigator. Ironically he thought, with the addict guiding their travel in the warp, this would be a mercifully short career.

Upon return to Maccrage, he had stayed with the Guard. His reputation for courage and hatred for the enemy of the Imperium made him a popular officer among the man and the top brass equally. When men were needed for a sensitive and top secret mission on Maccrage itself, the honor naturally felt to him and his veterans. But something had gone wrong. Terribly wrong. Wish that he could remember what however, as under the highest authority, psyching block had been put on his mind to suppress the memory.

Now all that remained was knowledge that something had gone wrong. Knowledge that his men lay dead. Knowledge that what he saw somehow made him too important to kill, but too much of a problem to keep around… hence the ‘honor’ of being made a Rogue Trader. As if this wasn’t enough, he was given direct order from Marneus Calgar to not deal on the past and embrace his new path. Marneus Fucking Calgar. Has much as he hated the situation, as much as he wanted to go back to his beloved Imperial Guard… What could he do but obey?

Throwing his cousin a smile that never reached his eyes, Varro stood and raised his cup, “A toast… to House Vardo and our good fortune!”

The end... for now!


Varro Vardo - Rogue Trader - Fiche de personnage
WS 40
BS 40
S 30
T 30
A 40 (1 Advance)
P 30 (1 Advance)
I 40 (1 Advance)
W 40
F 55 (1 Advance)

1000 XP:
+5 I (100)
+5 P (250)
+5 A (250)
+5 F (100)
Dodge (100)
Ambidextrous (200)

Command, Commerce, Charm, Common Lore (Imperium), Dodge, Evaluate, Literacy, Scholastic Lore (Astromancy), Speak Language (High/Low Gothic).

Ambidextrous, Basic Weapon Training (Universal), Decadence, Hatred (Chaos Worshipers), Melee Weapon Training (Universal), Peers (Nobility, Military), Pistol Weapon Training (Universal), Talented (Command).

Wound: 11
Fate: 4 (+1 Thanks to my origin path)

Special (see p24):
Profit Factor: +1

Insanity: 1d10+1 (You didn't answer what we'll do here).

Gear Choice:
Plasma Pistol (Common), Power Sword (Common), Micro-Bead, Void Suit, Fine clothings, xeno-pelt cloak, Enforcer Light Carapace (Best).

Messages : 3432
Date d'inscription : 15/07/2009
Localisation : Montréal | Métro Honoré-Beaugrand

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Varro Vardo - Rogue Trader Empty Re: Varro Vardo - Rogue Trader

Message  Tarkand Mer 23 Fév - 19:47

Faire le changement suivant:

WS 40
BS 40
S 30
T 30
A 35
P 25
I 40 (1 Advance)
W 40
F 55 (1 Advance)

+5 I (100)
+5 F (100)
Dodge (100)
Ambidextrous (200)

Messages : 1619
Date d'inscription : 18/05/2010
Age : 44
Localisation : Chambly

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